— Crop development: 70% of soybeans had emerged as of Sunday, 13 points behind last year’s 83% but 4 points ahead of the five-year average of 66%.

— Crop condition: In its initial rating of this year’s soybean crop, NASS estimated 72% of the soybeans that had emerged were in good-to-excellent condition and just 4% were very poor to poor. That compares to last year’s rating of 59% good to excellent and 9% very poor to poor. “Nebraska soybeans are rated at 79% good to excellent,” Mantini noted.


— Crop development: 89% of winter wheat was headed as of Sunday. That was 2 points ahead of 87% at this time last year and 3 points ahead of the five-year average of 86%.

— Harvest progress: Harvest moved ahead 6 percentage points last week to reach 12% complete nationwide as of Sunday. That was 5 points ahead of last year’s 7% and 6 points ahead of the five-year average pace of 6%. “As usual, the winter wheat harvest is making the quickest progress in Southern states, with Texas 47% harvested, Oklahoma 48% harvested and Arkansas at 34%,” said DTN Lead Analyst Todd Hultman. “Kansas is just getting started at 5% harvested.”

— Crop condition: 47% of the crop was rated in good-to-excellent condition, down 2 points from 49% the previous week but still up considerably from 38% a year ago.


— Planting progress: 98% of spring wheat was planted as of Sunday, 2 points ahead of both last year and the five-year average of 96%. “Montana and North Dakota are the slowest states at 97% planted, almost done,” Hultman said.

— Crop development: 87% of spring wheat has emerged, 1 point ahead of 86% last year and 4 points ahead of the five-year average of 83%.

— Crop condition: NASS estimated that 72% of the crop was in good-to-excellent condition nationwide, down 2 points from 74% the previous week. That is still ahead of last year’s rating of 60% good to excellent. “Seventy-nine percent of spring wheat in North Dakota was considered good-to-excellent,” Hultman noted.


Following several weeks of significant rainfall, much of the country will be in a drier pattern this week, though there will still be chances of rain in northern areas, according to DTN Ag Meteorologist John Baranick. A significant pattern change will take place later in the week, which could bring the threat of hot, dry conditions to the Eastern Corn Belt.

“We saw heavy rainfall and severe weather go through the Central Plains and into Missouri over the weekend,” Baranick said. “That might have affected the wheat harvest but is good rainfall for most of the corn and soybean areas outside of some flooding. The Texas Panhandle has also had some good rainfall recently as well. These areas have not had good rainfall going into the summer in several years, which should hold up crop conditions for at least a little while.

“Wet conditions elsewhere in the Corn Belt are still a concern, and they’ll fight with additional precipitation this week as well. Even though the country is in a drier pattern, there are still a couple of systems that will go through northern areas through Thursday. That will produce some limited showers.

“But the pattern will be changing significantly late this week. An upper-level ridge in the West will shift to the East while a trough sets up in its place across the West. The shift will mean increasing temperatures for eastern areas and a busy storm track across the middle of the country that starts this weekend and probably lasts through next week. With the Gulf of Mexico being wide open, we could see a lot of rain falling in areas that don’t need it but keeping temperatures down a bit. Where precipitation doesn’t occur, and specifically looking at the Eastern Corn Belt, we could see some heat stress and an abrupt shift in the soil conditions. Going from extremely wet to extremely dry is a concern for the rest of June, and that all starts with the pattern shift later this week.”


Editor’s Note: How are your crops looking? Are they better, worse or right on track with USDA NASS’ observations this week? Send us your comments, and we’ll add them to the Crop Progress report story. You can email comments to anthony.greder@dtn.com or direct message him on social platform X @AGrederDTN. Please include the location of where you farm.


To view weekly crop progress reports issued by National Ag Statistics Service offices in individual states, visit http://www.nass.usda.gov/…. Look for the U.S. map in the “Find Data and Reports by” section and choose the state you wish to view in the drop-down menu. Then look for that state’s “Crop Progress & Condition” report.

National Crop Progress Summary This Last Last 5-Year Week Week Year Avg. Corn Planted 95 91 98 95 Corn Emerged 85 74 91 84 Soybeans Planted 87 78 95 84 Soybeans Emerged 70 55 83 66 Winter Wheat Headed 89 83 87 86 Winter Wheat Harvested 12 6 7 6 Spring Wheat Planted 98 94 96 96 Spring Wheat Emerged 87 78 86 83 Cotton Planted 80 70 78 80 Cotton Squaring 14 9 10 12 Sorghum Planted 65 51 60 60 Oats Emerged 92 87 91 90 Oats Headed 41 33 41 36 Barley Planted 98 94 96 97 Barley Emerged 83 74 83 86 Rice Emerged 93 88 92 91


National Crop Condition Summary (VP=Very Poor; P=Poor; F=Fair; G=Good; E=Excellent) This Week Last Week Last Year VP P F G E VP P F G E VP P F G E Corn 1 4 21 58 16 1 3 21 60 15 2 6 31 51 10 Soybeans 1 3 24 60 12 NA NA NA NA NA 2 7 32 51 8 Winter Wheat 6 13 34 39 8 6 12 33 41 8 12 19 31 32 6 Spring Wheat – 3 25 67 5 – 2 24 69 5 1 6 33 56 4 Sorghum 2 5 37 49 7 NA NA NA NA NA 2 6 35 49 8 Cotton 2 6 36 49 7 3 5 31 54 7 2 13 36 40 9 Rice 1 2 15 68 14 1 1 17 67 14 – 3 30 54 13 Oat 6 4 20 60 10 4 5 23 58 10 6 6 35 49 4 Barley – 1 23 74 2 – 5 21 70 4 1 5 36 56 2 Cotton 3 5 31 54 7

Anthony Greder can be reached at anthony.greder@dtn.com

Follow him on social platform X @AGrederDTN



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