BROOMFIELD, Colo.— The Colorado Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations across Colorado to fill six vacancies on the Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC). The committee provides advice to the Commissioner by reviewing proposed rules and recommending new rules or changes to existing rules.
“Colorado has been a pioneer in the hemp industry since 2013 and the Hemp Advisory Committee consists of leaders and innovators who have an active role in advising the Department by providing invaluable industry feedback,” said Brian Koontz, Hemp Program manager.
The HAC is looking for members representing:
Hemp Manufacturing IndustryCertified Seed IndustryHemp Small BusinessCannabinoid IndustryHemp RegulationCitizen Advocate
The HAC is made up of 10 members who serve three-year terms to advise the Department and confer on all matters regarding the regulation of hemp. The Committee meets once a quarter typically in-person at the CDA Broomfield Office, with virtual options for members living outside the metro area. Appointees will begin their term on August 1, 2024.
Advisory Committee members should represent their industry segment as a whole, not just themselves or their company’s interests. Members should have a broad diversity of experience as well as an understanding of State Regulatory Agencies, specifically that CDA has to operate within the mandate set by state and federal programs under the USDA.
More information about the positions can be found on the Hemp Advisory Committee page. Interested candidates can submit their applications online no later than Monday, June 17, 2024 at 5:00 pm MT.
— Colorado Department of Agriculture