WASHINGTON (KAMR/KCIT) — The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it will recognize and celebrate National Pollinator Week from June 17 to 23.

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According to USDA officials, pollinator species such as bees, other insects, birds, and bats contribute to the production of more than 100 crops grown in the United States.

“Our nation’s farmers depend on a vibrant ecosystem to feed and fuel communities, and pollinators are an important part of that ecosystem,” said Tom Vilsack, Agriculture Secretary. “This week and every week, it is critically important that we protect pollinators and their habitats. Healthy pollinator populations are essential to the continued success and the well-being of agricultural producers, rural America, and the entire U.S. economy because, without them, many of our nation’s crops wouldn’t be able to produce as many fruits, nuts, or vegetables.”

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As part of USDA’s commitment, officials said USDA established a pollinator subcommittee earlier this year that will identify annual USDA strategic pollinator priorities and make pollinator health-related recommendations to strengthen USDA pollinator research efforts in support of USDA’s Science and Research Strategy.

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