
Don’t expect recent floods to be reflected in USDA acreage report

The lead grain economist for CoBank does not anticipate recent flooding to be accounted for in Friday’s acreage report from USDA.

Tanner Ehmke says the farmer planting surveys were collected before the Upper Midwest was hammered by torrential rains over the weekend.

“I think USDA is going to have to adjust going forward in future reports (because of) the flooding that’s happened in that part of the world.”

He tells Brownfield USDA will probably have to factor in lost yield in future reports as well.

“Because of the ponding and what happens with nitrification and leaching, crops are not going to do as well when they don’t have those nutrients there to take those crops to the higher end of yield potential.”

Ehmke says possible acre and yield reductions won’t be known for quite some time.

USDA’s acreage report is out at 11 AM Central Friday.



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