APHIS is announcing a significant step forward in improving customer service by providing stakeholders a list of known, regulated cut flower and greenery articles currently used by the commercial floral industry that are generally admissible for importation.

APHIS has identified more than 1,000 plant taxa that are generally admissible to the United States as cut flowers and greenery (CFG). Stakeholders will now be able to query the Agricultural Commodity Import Requirements (ACIR) database and/or eFile to find the entry requirements for these plant taxa in the same manner they are currently able to do for other regulated plant and plant products. ACIR will provide a single source to search for and retrieve entry requirements for CFG, including the necessary information to determine admissibility and if an import permit is needed.

Stakeholders unable to find information on their plant taxon of interest within ACIR may use the link found on the Contact Us (usda.gov) page to submit their query; staff will respond within two business days.

For more information, please contact Esther Serrano (esther.s.serrano@usda.gov).



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